This last weekend I made the decision to stop procrastinating! ...I'll let you know how that goes next week. I played a lot this weekend. And I don't regret a single moment of it. Even the 10+ hours of homework I had on Sunday. ;)
How about we move on to the things I do remember learning and following through with, yeah? Good idea.
- Don't spend time with people you don't want to. This came to me like a frying pan in the face. Why would you spend time with people who don't make you happy? You're only given a short time on this beautiful earth, so let's all spend it with people who matter to us!
- Laugh all the time! Laugh at yourself, laugh at your friends, laugh at your co-workers, laugh at your neighbors, laugh, laugh, laugh!! It's good for your health! You get an ab workout and you relieve stress! So relax, and let yourself giggle. :) I especially like to laugh at other people, but they only seem to accept that if you laugh at yourself twice as much! Psh. Some people!
- Learn to cook. I LOVE food! I love it. I love to share it even more! This is a great skill to have that will save you money in the long run. No more fast food! Plus, you make more friends when you can feed them good food! Have a signature dish. It's worth it.
- Share. This can be a hard one. Sharing does not come naturally for humans. Survival of the fittest, homeboy! Did you know that we don't start to share without being asked until we are 7 years old! Duh, this is a hard one! Share your heart, your love, your food, your smile, and your blankets.
- Smile. Smile until your cheeks hurt! If you are a lazy person, just remember that it takes less muscles to smile than it does to frown. Not motivated yet? Try smiling at random people. Not just a lame "Hey how are you doing? Fine? Oh, okay, yeah I was just gonna smile and take my bagel to go." kind of a smile, but a smile you greet your friends with after they get off the plane from Italy. And they've been gone for 6 months. And you couldn't Skype. And remember it's been 6 months! You know what kind I'm talking about. ;)
- Dance whenever and wherever! This is an important one to remember. You just gotta dance your pretty little pants off sometimes. Sometimes that's a very literal statement. Sometimes you feel the need in line at the grocery store, or the 2nd floor of the library, or maybe its while you're walking down the street of your pretty city. Bottom line. Dance.
- Love everyone. You don't have to like people. You just have to love them. Love people as soon as you meet them. Find something great about them and love them for it. And like I said before, by no means do you actually have to like them. Because let's be real. I don't like everyone. But you would have to do a lot of stupid behavioral type things before I would stop loving you. If you give a little love, then you get a little love.
- Express confidence in yourself. I know this is a hard one, but I think it benefits yourself the most. Muggers in NY were interviewed (why they weren't arrested after this, I don't know) and they said that they were more likely to jump the guy with his shoulders hanging low and his head dropped low. The people who walked with purpose looked like too much of a challenge. You have to remember that you have purpose here. You are important. If you are lost you will find your way soon enough. Don't worry too much about life and don't let it get you down. You're amazing. I'm sure that if we were acquaintances I would smile at you, feed you, share stuff with you, and I would for sure love you. Be confident in yourself. "Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." Dr. Seuss is my main man.
Okay, I'm done. I hope you enjoyed the thoughts that literally have been posted to my computers homepage for over a week now. I love you.
Enjoy this amazing tune, on me. ;)