No shopping here tonight, yeah! No shopping here tonight, yeah! No shopping here tonight, yeah!
Know what I do love though? Spending my money on fun things. I'll always love that.
Today is Monday. I wrote a haiku about this.
"My life"
It's Monday again.
5am, crash, BEEP, BEEP, whirrr.
That darn garbage man.
I figured out why my Mondays are so weird now. That garbage man has no respect for my sleep! As my inner Stephanie Tanner would say "How rude!"
And then I found twenty dollars after a little kid gave me a candy necklace. It was pretty much a great day.
Speaking of great days, last weekend I went to the land of milk and honey, Zion, Deseret, the place where the 'Y' and the 'U' are no longer just letters in the alphabet-if you guessed Utah, then you are correct!! DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Where are you going to go with this new win under your belt? And don't say Disney World because this isn't really THAT big of an accomplishment.
Utah is a great place. It's a beautiful state that is now home to my sister and best friend. I had fantastic times and ate great food everyday. It was amazing I wrote a haiku about this too.
"What a weekend"
The sun shone brightly
I long for this to never end
You right here with me
we swim, hike, climb, and be.
I also wrote a haiku about this semester of school. Which I think is 100% appropriate to BYUI students.
I titled this one...
"Date or date not, married is the goal" (is it wrong to like the title more than the poetic part?)
This school is crazy
everyone has envy
it must be the rings.
Obviously I have had some free moments for a quick haiku or two...or enough to fill a smallish notebook.
I'm tapping out. This is turning into a rant. And I only rant when I stand on a chair in my kitchen when I'm looking for food. You'd think I was hungry for how many times I mentioned food in this post. I'll go stand on my chair and find some food in my cupboard now. Maybe I'll eat some of the food the bishop gave me. ;)