Stop counting down the events in your life. Slow it down and take this mortal existence one day at a time. Enjoy the small moments that have always made you smile and remind others to do the same.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Clearly I'm not normal.

Over the years I have learned a thing or two about people.  One of those things is that when a normal person is physically exhausted and knows they have to get up early the next day they simply go to bed.  I on the other hand try to figure out blogger, create and start a blog, and start a list of things I want to do before my next birthday.  Therefore, we can safely come to the conclusion that I am not "normal".  I it like that.  I chose the name because I feel like most of the time I am counting down to something.  Last day of work, Christmas, going back to school, graduating, seeing my friends in Rexy, and even when will my next great adventure happen! It's time to stop! Live in the moment! I love how Jim Gaffigan puts it (sarcastically of course) "Instead of enjoying this moment, let's take pictures!". Not gonna happen anymore. I'm throwing away the calendar. 

I got the idea to make a list of things to do before my next birthday from my friend Tjanna, and I think she is brilliant.  There are things(big and small) I want to do before I turn 23 that can be neatly(or not so neatly) compiled into a list of 22 things. I am working on the list now!  I'll post it later for motivation and adventure sharing.  I crave adventure, so I know the list will be filled with that. I want to document the fun I will have over the next year!  My posts will be short because let's be real, long blogs are BORING stuff! Pictures! Yes, those will have to be included.  Random thought: I have always wanted there to be an option to underline words in a text message because I feel like all caps just isn't enough emphasis for the way I talk.  Also, I like to whisper words in all caps when I read them in my sounds funnier. Every time.  

Sometimes I just like to shut up and listen to people, but I guess this is not one of those times. One lesson I learned this year was to not hang out or spend time with people you don't want to.  That has proved to be an incredibly powerful lesson.  Unless you don't care about being alone.  Then no lesson will be learned there. But I don't like it, so I sought out the people I wanted to be with.  Trust me on this one, the search is worth it when you find them.  You don't always have to look so hard...sometimes they are sitting in the chair right next to you.  On your right, to be specific. 

This will be fun, I'm sure of it. So, to summarize, I'm clearly not normal.  So in the words of The Wanted, I'm glad you came. Honestly though, they just seem like a grown up boy band, right? Still love the song. Still posting it. Still listening to them.


  1. Jess add a subscribe button so we can follow you.

  2. That is basically exactly what I do, also, when I have something important going on in the morning. :)

  3. Seriously. The story of a college students life right? I need to read your blog girl! I didn't even know you had one!
