"For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way. Something to be got through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life." ~Fr. Alfred D'SouzaPretty great, huh? The obstacles in my life are what make my life worth talking about. The misadventures or days gone awry are the ones I talk about most. The times that I get lost, pull over, have a dance party with friends in the car, and then continue on our merry way are my favorite.
Why then, do I always want the days where I pass every test, get to the gym before it closes, or the days where I actually get to get out of town to have fun? Because I have danced my pants off for an 'F' just because the class was over, I've gone running around Rexburg when the gym was closed, and I have more fun leaving love notes on the doors of friend's apartments than I do snagging a deal on a cute top out of town.
My life is just a bunch of moments. Moments that are stitched together to create a day. There are good patches and bad patches in a day. I've learned that you can always turn it around to make it come out how you want it to.
Right now I'm going to be happy that I don't have homework due tomorrow. I am happy that I'm listening to The Lumineers for the 7th time this week. I am happy because I went to yoga with a friend tonight. I'm still happy that my best friend and I met Vocal Point last weekend in a hot tub (WHAT, WHAT!)! I'm happy because I have hilarious friends who fly helicopters into each other, but won't take it outside. I'm happy because I'm loving my life. A lot.
Found this little treasure a year ago, but never bothered to take a photo. I guess I was never with the right person. <3
I promise we are dressed as "ninjas", not middle easterners!
This girl. Yeah, look at her. She is leaving on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in just a week. She is my best friend and I'm going to miss her like crazy! Her mailbox will be flooded.
Current likes: Valentines Day, The Lumineers, apt #209, Kiwi Loco, the very wise magic 8 ball, and smiles. :)