Stop counting down the events in your life. Slow it down and take this mortal existence one day at a time. Enjoy the small moments that have always made you smile and remind others to do the same.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Patience is not my virtue.

I'm doing it again.  I'm counting down the events in my life!! Today in class it hit me like a ton of bricks in the face!  We had a devotional in class where someone reads a scripture, a quote, and then we pray.  Well the quote could not have been more clear that it was for yours truly.  I have to remember this forever and always.
"For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way. Something to be got through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life." ~Fr. Alfred D'Souza
Pretty great, huh? The obstacles in my life are what make my life worth talking about.  The misadventures or days gone awry are the ones I talk about most.  The times that I get lost, pull over, have a dance party with friends in the car, and then continue on our merry way are my favorite.  

Why then, do I always want the days where I pass every test, get to the gym before it closes, or the days where I actually get to get out of town to have fun?  Because I have danced my pants off for an 'F' just because the class was over, I've gone running around Rexburg when the gym was closed, and I have more fun leaving love notes on the doors of friend's apartments than I do snagging a deal on a cute top out of town.

My life is just a bunch of moments.  Moments that are stitched together to create a day.  There are good patches and bad patches in a day.  I've learned that you can always turn it around to make it come out how you want it to.

Right now I'm going to be happy that I don't have homework due tomorrow.  I am happy that I'm listening to The Lumineers for the 7th time this week.  I am happy because I went to yoga with a friend tonight.  I'm still happy that my best friend and I met Vocal Point last weekend in a hot tub (WHAT, WHAT!)! I'm happy because I have hilarious friends who fly helicopters into each other, but won't take it outside.  I'm happy because I'm loving my life.  A lot. 
Found this little treasure a year ago, but never bothered to take a photo.  I guess I was never with the right person. <3
I promise we are dressed as "ninjas", not middle easterners!
This girl.  Yeah, look at her.  She is leaving on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in just a week.  She is my best friend and I'm going to miss her like crazy! Her mailbox will be flooded.

Current likes: Valentines Day, The Lumineers, apt #209, Kiwi Loco, the very wise magic 8 ball, and smiles. :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

This is place sunk the Titanic

So I am back in wonderful Rexbuuurg Idaho. You guessed it!  I was greeted with negative degree weather upon arrival late in the wee hours of the night as we pulled into Saint Anthony, ID.  This is my cousins first year at college so we had the privilege of being driven down by my aunt and uncle.   Here is a photo of part of the trip!

We partied.

Remember awhile ago when those society memes were WICKED popular?  Well I found this one I made on my computer and thought I would share it with at least the one person who reads my blog. ;)

It reminds me of what I made Rexburg last year.  Some people complained all the time about the cold, but I try to say I love it at least once a day (its really not that bad) and truly live in it.  Yeah, I have a lot on my list to keep me preoccupied and continue growing, but I also have a ton of fun outside this list!  I am finding my partners in crime for a majority of my list and I am excited to say that I just may accomplish something VERY soon! 
So, it's cold, it rains ice, and there is a good 3 inches of ice I walk on by my apartment, but the people are good, I love my roommates, and I am having a good time so far. :) Classes are going to be rough, but I can do hard things right? Right. 

Again, some humor because I'm in a silly mood after doing my homework for the past 3 hours. :) 

Does that work?? Hahaha I do not want to find out! Love you all! Warm wishes!