Stop counting down the events in your life. Slow it down and take this mortal existence one day at a time. Enjoy the small moments that have always made you smile and remind others to do the same.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Opposition in all things is why I know the cherries in my life.

This week has been the week of all weeks so far this year.  
So many good, funny, stressful, and wonderful things have happened.  To me. Yes, to me. 
I am blessed.

How about some cherries of the week? 

First: I got to pretend to be in a horrible marriage to a woman who was selling my violin because she hated my "Classic Dubsteb" band named Beethoven liked the Bass Down Low...we had so many hits. 

Second: On my way to study in the library my roommate K and I won tickets to a performance this week!
Third: I fell in love. With study rooms. Also, with kicking people out of my reserved room. #itsthebest

Fourth: I went to the temple here in 
Rexburg with some wonderful friends. 
Seriously, the BEST.  K, M, and W 
I'm talking about you.

Fifth: Recently we welcomed this handsome fella into our lives here in apt 21.  His name is Frederick. <3 

Sixth: This is my view almost every single night.  
If I am lucky enough to leave campus 
before sunsets that is. 

Seventh: This kid ALWAYS knows what's up. 
 I watched this video the other day 
and lets just say... I'd vote for him.

EighthToday was capped off 
with a wonderful walk about 
that ended at the temple.
M and K are the best. 
Today was a roller coaster
of emotions and honestly I'm
glad tomorrow is Monday! 
Yeah I said it!  
Tomorrow is Monday and I'm glad!  


  1. I freaken love your beautiful face! <3

  2. You be careful with this "tomorrow is Monday and I'm glad about it" nonsense. You'll come to regret such words. ;)

    1. is now Monday morning and I wish it were Sunday again. What happened to the groundhog day curse that Bill Murray was blessed enough to experience?? Are we all not worthy of a few day long repeats??

    2. There is also an episode of Supernatural (which as much as I love you, I'm not sure you'd actually be able to handle it) where one of the main characters lives in a Groundhog Day situation. It's awesome, actually a pretty funny episode.
